Faith is one of the most important things in the Bible and, indeed, life itself. But what does faith look like? What happens when your faith goes for a bit of a slide? The best way to understand faith is not to try and explain it, but to see faith in action, to see someone actually living a real life of faith. That’s what we are going to explore today.
Hosted by: Dr Sven Östring
Guests: Steven Groom & Dr Allen Sonter
Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/
Mark’s gospel portrays Jesus as the ‘action’ messiah, this is evident during His busy ministry around the sea of Galilee. Jesus calms the storm,...
Evangelist Dwight Moody famously said “the world does not understand theology or dogma, but it understands love and sympathy.” Jesus made this point very...
Christians sometimes claim that the followers of other religions are called on to sacrifice to their god, but Christianity is the only religion whose...