Abram and his wife Sarai obeyed God’s call to travel south from Haran to Canaan. After a 700km journey they arrived in Canaan—at a place called Sichem. A covenant is made with Abram to give the land to Abram’s children. But Abram was 75 years old (and Sarai 65), and they didn’t have any children. Were they really going to have children in their old age? The years passed and still no children. Did God really mean what He’d said? Have your Bibles ready as we examine Abram’s faith and trust in God.
Hosted by: Steven Groom
Guests: Hana Nakagawa & Pr Harold Harker
Download the study notes at this link: www.3abnaustralia.org.au/resources/do…s/lgs-notes/
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