The Flood - 220204

Episode 4 April 17, 2022 00:28:45
The Flood - 220204
Let God Speak
The Flood - 220204

Apr 17 2022 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

In Genesis 1 God pronounces His six days of creation as being “very good.” But Genesis 3 records that the crowning act of creation (the first two humans, Adam and Eve) disobey God, and the curse of sin enters the world. Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden. Genesis 4 has the tragedy of Cain killing Abel and Cain’s offspring separating themselves from God. Genesis 5 outlines the chronology from Adam down to a man called Noah. And in Genesis 6 God declares His creation is no longer very good, and is instead continually evil. Today we are going to discuss the role of Noah as God uses a global flood to deal with the prevailing evil on Earth.

Hosted by: Rod Butler
Guests: Morgan Vincent & Gayl Fong

Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/

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