Last week, we learned that we are to love God and our neighbours. This includes the poor, the weak, the outcast and the stranger. Today we will continue to discuss themes from the book of Deuteronomy, we will discover that Israel were supposed to learn from their history—and that’s a good lesson for Christians today. So, take your Bibles and join with us as we begin.
Hosted by: Pr Clive Nash
Guests: Rosemary Malkiewycz & Pr Harold Harker
Download the study notes at this link:
Discussing human nature—are we naturally destined to die, or do we naturally live forever?Our souls—are they immortal? When God warned Adam and Eve that...
As Jesus comes towards the end of His ministry He begins to exercise His authority as the Messiah of Israel. Not surprisingly, this brings...
Jesus not only spoke profound truths about Himself throughout His ministry, but also demonstrated His divine authority through miraculous signs. These very acts of...