Covenant Law - 210208

Episode 8 May 16, 2021 00:28:45
Covenant Law - 210208
Let God Speak
Covenant Law - 210208

May 16 2021 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Our subject today is “Covenant Law.” When greeted by the word “law,” it would be natural to think of restrictions, maybe police officers handing out traffic infringements, or judges prescribing jail sentences and other punishments. We usually associate law with punishments. In biblical terms, however, we should actually connect law with the positive attributes of order, harmony, stability, and love. Yes, ‘law’ and ‘love,’ can these two words really be used in the same sentence? Join us as we seek to understand Covenant Law as revealed through God’s Word.

Hosted by: Steven Groom
Guests: Pr Adrian Craig, Rosemary Malkiewycz

Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/

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