The End of God’s Mission - 230413

Episode 13 December 23, 2023 00:28:45
The End of God’s Mission - 230413
Let God Speak
The End of God’s Mission - 230413

Dec 23 2023 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

The final book of the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The book contains exciting themes such as God’s plan to finally eradicate sin, death, and suffering from the universe. But it also reveals Jesus and His plan to prepare His people for that time. God has a mission to sharing the good news of the gospel, and He invites us to be part of that mission.

Hosted by: Pr Clive Nash
Guests: Hana Nakagawa & Jaiden Green

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKER A Hello, I'm Clive Nash. Welcome to let God speak. The final book of the Bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The book contains many exciting themes. This includes God's plan to finally eradicate sin, death and suffering from our world and hence from the universe. But it also reveals Jesus and his plans for his people. To prepare for that time, God has a mission. He invites us to be part of that mission, of sharing the good news of the gospel. Our panel today will explore that theme. On our panel today we have Hana Nakagawa and Jaiden Green. Jaiden, your first time here, so we're glad to have you here today, and I'm looking forward to our discussion. But before we begin, let's take time to pray. Our loving Father in heaven, we just want to thank you for the opportunity once again of hearing you speak through your word. And we pray that you'll bless our discussion today. May it enliven us and may it enlighten us. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. SPEAKER B Amen. SPEAKER A Well, we're talking about God's mission to the world today. And just to set the scene, I'm going to read from two Peter, chapter three and verses ten to twelve. And here the apostle Peter says, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Well, as a consequence, then Peter goes on to say, therefore, therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. Jaiden, put the first question to you. Yes. What principles do you see here in these verses? SPEAKER C Well, actually, Clive, I actually see three principles here. Firstly, I see here that rather than a destruction by a universal flood as in Noah's day, fire will cleanse the earth in what is described as the day of the Lord. Second principle I see is that Jesus is coming back to this earth as he promised. And not only that, we can look forward and hasten that day of his coming. And the final principle we see here is that we need to live holy and godly lives. And I'd like to read a little quote here. This quote is from the Ellen White book, Christ objects, lesson, page 69. And it says, were all who profess his name bearing fruit to his glory. How quickly the whole world would be sown with the seed of the gospel. Quickly the last great harvest would be ripened and Christ would come to gather the precious grain. SPEAKER A Okay, so, Hana, how long should we keep on sharing the gospel message of salvation? How long? SPEAKER B Yeah, that's a great question. Let's read Mark, chapter 16 and verse 15, the Bible says, and he said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. It is a good news to everyone. Well, so everyone would receive this, hear this wonderful message, wonderful news of the good news, the gospel. And everyone would have the opportunity to make a decision for God or against God. So it does not stop us witnessing just because we don't know when it will happen. We would keep witnessing. We will keep looking unto Jesus and continue to be in a mission. Actually, this three AVN network has this three angel of revelation 14 as its motto. So, yeah, preaching the gospel to every nation, tongue and people. So yeah, this is the three angels broadcasting network. And we are part of this global network and proclaiming the good news of the gospel to the world. SPEAKER A Yes, in my introduction, I referred to the book of revelation, the last book of the Bible. And in revelation, chapter one and verses one to seven, Jaiden, I noticed that the word witness seems to appear a couple of times. Why was that? What's the significance of that? SPEAKER C Absolutely, Clive. In verse two, here in revelation chapter one, it is actually John, the author, who bears witness of God. And to the testimony of Jesus Christ. In verse five of revelation, chapter one, it's actually Jesus who is the faithful witness. I just like to read one, verse seven. And it says, behold, he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. Even so. Amen. The focus of all this, Clive, according to God's word, is the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER A Okay. His promised return. And Hana, look at verse six with me, if you would. And it says here that God has made us kings and priests or Jesus has made us kings and priests to his God and father. So why is it talking about kings and priests? Why is this? SPEAKER B Yes, well, Peter gives us a reason here in first Peter, chapter two. And verse nine it says, but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people. That you may proclaim the praises of him who calls you out of darkness into his marvellous light. A wonderful message here. Well, to proclaim the praise of him who has called us to out of darknesses, we can give him praise and in proclaiming we can be a witness as well. So we are sharing in God's mission and his message. SPEAKER A Okay, Jaiden, can you elaborate on this? Why this priests and kings be specific about it? SPEAKER C Yeah, absolutely. In revelation one, verse seven, as we just read, he's coming and every eye will see him. And I see here, Clive, that there's a sense of urgency. As Jesus said in the book of, at the end of revelation, he says, I am coming quickly, but I like to make a point that I like. In the book secrets of revelation by Jax Ducan, he makes a good point. And he says, we do not merely wait for an event, but also for a person whom we love and whom we know and who loves and knows us. This personal relationship makes the weight all the more intense. I think that's definitely true. SPEAKER A Yeah, I like that sort of personal touch that comes through there in that quote you've shared with us, Jaiden and Jaiden, another question I can put to you. How can we make sense of the presence of both good and evil in our world today? SPEAKER C It's a very good question, Clive. You see, John was given the big picture in the book of Revelation in chapter twelve in particular. If I just quickly turn there, chapter twelve in particular, we see that sin or evil was an intruder into our universe. We know that Satan rebelled against the godhead and was thrown out of heaven because of his choice. I just like to read revelation twelve, verse twelve actually. And I read that. Therefore rejoice, o heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. You know, Clive, some people out there think that if there is a God, then he's a strange mixture of good and evil, a capricious deity that must be served and appeased. But the Bible, according to Revelation, shows us that there's actually a battle going on. There's a battle going on between good and evil. There's two forces that are present, but according to the Bible, it will not always be so. The book of Revelation shows that God's mission to the world will have an end and someday evil will soon be defeated. SPEAKER A Yeah. And this is a question, Hana and Jaiden, that puzzles some people isn't know, if God's so powerful as we say, he know, why is there so much evil in the world? When the book of Revelation sort of unveils this origin of evil, it's not one person or one being that's good and evil. It's. There's two forces that work. Henry, you mentioned earlier the three angels messages, which is kind of like our focus here at three abn. I'd like to turn to revelation, chapter 14 and read verses six and seven about the first of those three angels. Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue and people saying with a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement has come. And worship him who made heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of waters. What's significant about this first message, Hana, and the two angels messages that follow it? SPEAKER B Sure. Well, firstly, verse six, it says that having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, the heart of the three angel message is the everlasting gospel. It's a good news to people, but at the same time depends on their choice. It can be a warning. It can be bad news for those people who reject this message as well. So we have this universal proclamation of the gospel, a call to worship to the creator God who created God, God who created heaven, earth and everything that is in them. We can be called to worship God, God only. And there is this false religious system out there as well. And Babylon is fallen. But we can come back to the true worship to God. And here there are two characteristics of God's people. In revelation 14, verse twelve, it says, here is the patience of the saints. Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. The first one keep the commandments of God. We honour his commandments. And it is not by our own idea or own effort, no power of the Holy Spirit. We keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. It can be faith of Jesus and faith in Jesus. SPEAKER A Yeah. And as you were talking there about God being the creator in the first angel's message, it's very much a reminder of the creation account, isn't it, in Genesis? And when we talk about the commandments, of course, one commandment in particular reminds us about the creator God, doesn't it? SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER A Which one is that? It's the fourth commandment. Yes. Remember the creator, our creator. Six days he created the world and the 7th day he rested. SPEAKER B That's right. The verse in verse seven is very similar to the OR. Almost the same as the Exodus, 24th commandment. SPEAKER A Yeah. So would you say that the message and the mission of the church are very closely aligned with each other? Very strongly linked. SPEAKER B Well, I would say that this message is the mission, actually, in japanese translation. I'm from Japan and it actually said it's called the mission of three angel. That's the translation of Japanese. So, yeah, I think mission, message, it's the same thing. So the world needs to be warned of this coming event, what's going to happen soon, which is the coming of Jesus that needs to be ready of eternal consequences, of being one side or the other. Either we are for Christ or against him, and there's no middle ground, there's no mutual place. We can read chapter. Luke, chapter eleven. And we can see this. Luke, chapter eleven. Luke, chapter eleven, verse 23. The Bible says, he who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. So it's either way for God or against God. SPEAKER A Yeah. Now, we were quoted from Mark's gospel about the great commission going to the gospel to all the world. In fact, all four of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they all mention this commissioning of the disciples to go out and spare the gospel. And the first angel's message of revelation 14 is kind of, kind of a repeat of that, isn't it, Jaiden? SPEAKER C Absolutely, Clive, it certainly is. You see, in John's gospel, it's simply, as the father has sent me, so I send you as well. That was John 20, verse 21. And Mark's account we read earlier, and Luke says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. We read that in Luke, chapter 24. But Matthew's account of the great commission is a bit more expansive and I'd like to read it for you. In Matthew 28, verses 19 and 20, we read, go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. And, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen. I love that promise, isn't it? And yes. So, to answer your question, Clive, yes, this is very much consistent with the message, the messages of revelation, chapter 14. Whether the message of the everlasting gospel is to go to every nation, every tribe, every people group on the planet, the message of this gospel comes from a merciful and loving God who wants all to be saved for eternal life. SPEAKER A Yeah. Does it amaze you, Jaiden, that Jesus should give this commission to such a small group of people? What must they have thought of it? SPEAKER C It would have been a huge task. But as Jesus says, all power has been given to me on heaven and earth. Go make disciples. He gives us that power to do that. And he gave them that power 2000 years ago. SPEAKER A Yes. And of course we see the story of the day of Pentecost that followed on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, tongues of fire and people hearing the gospel in their own tongue and so on. So the enabling power of the Holy Spirit gave impetus to the early church. Well, you've touched on the motive of God the Father here. I want to read from first John, chapter four and verse eight because I think this tells us something significant here in the last part of the verse one, John, chapter four and verse eight say, who does not love does not know God. And it ends up by saying, for God is love. Do you think, Hana, that that accounts for God's patience with us in the world here? SPEAKER B Definitely. I want to read second Peter, chapter three, verse nine. It will show us the heart of God. I believe it says, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some can't slackness, but is long suffering toward us. Not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. God is so long suffering. Why? Because he's not willing that any should perish. He created each one of us. He died for each one of us. He redeemed us and he doesn't want anyone to perish. That is his heart. He loves us so much. Well, let's go to another verse in first Timothy. It really shows us that here Paul is writing to Timothy and asking for prayers for people, including those people in authority. Sometimes we think those people in authority we forget to pray for them. But here, first Timothy, chapter two, verse three to four, it says, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our saviour who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Again, he desire not some of them, but all men, all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. This is God's desire. No matter rich or poor, whoever, where they are from, God wants to be saved. SPEAKER A And I think, Hana, you can speak from personal experience here, can't know you have come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as your saviour. Yes, that's right. SPEAKER B Yes, that's right. And it's really encouraging. In my country, Japan, not many people know of God know God. Only 0.8% are christian actually in Japan. But here we see the promise that every nation, tongan people, those people would hear the good news in the end, and that is God's desire. So even though we can't see the hope yet, but it's promised and God would empower us to be. SPEAKER A I like that text you've read there that he wants everyone to come to a knowledge of the know. Jaiden, when Jesus was crucified, you remember there was a thief on one side and a thief on the other side. One accepted Jesus as his saviour and the other did not. And that's kind of like how it always has been, isn't it? And always perhaps will be until the time of Jesus returns. SPEAKER C Yeah, absolutely, Clive. We see that even until the close of time, there will always be those two camps. As Hana pointed out earlier, there's either those for God or those against God. Prophecy shows us in the Bible that there will be two camps, especially when these life and death issues are at stake. We read in revelation 13 that it points to a time when force will be applied where people won't even be able to buy and sell unless they worship the image to the beast. People will even be killed over this issue. People will be prevented from all these things and it'll be such a time of trouble. And it's really essential, Clive and Hana, that people are warned about all this. And that happens through God's mission of love. That goes out to the entire. SPEAKER A You know, sometimes, Hana, we measure success by numbers. We say so many people have joined the church, and maybe that even happened in New Testament times, too. They recorded the number of people who joined to the church. But is numbers the only measure of success for the gospel? SPEAKER B Well, not only numbers, but we can see when we accept God, the life would be changed, that life changed. The power of God working in people's life, that is very significant. Let's read first John, chapter one, verse nine. The Bible says, if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So cleanse from all that is sinful, all that is unrighteous, that is bad. And if we live our life, our own life, we will have a lot of fruit of the flesh. That is not good. But when we receive Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit, we will have the fruits of the Holy Spirit as well. And that's what counts with God and should count with us as well. And at the end of the time, there will be a great multitude who are saved. Let's read revelation 19. And we will read verse eight. It says, and to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous act of the saints. It's beautiful fine linen. And I believe that the righteousness of Christ, we are covered by the righteousness of Jesus. SPEAKER A Yes. Talking there about the marriage supper there, the marriage of the lamb, and God's church will be prepared for that time. This idea of God's love for me, it sounds good. But what if I've done dreadful crimes, Jayden? What if I've been an outright murderer, armed robber, a thief, a terrorist? Can God forgive those sorts of things? Could he assure me of a place in his kingdom? And on that sort of background, sure. SPEAKER C I'm really glad you actually asked that question, Clive, because I think of one of the Old Testament figures, David, King David of Israel. And we know about King David because we read it in the Bible. He actually killed one of his most faithful soldiers because he had an affair with his wife. It was a real messy situation. Yet despite all this, David asked for forgiveness. He prayed and confessed his sin, and he was forgiven. We actually read a little bit of his prayer in psalms 51, verses one to four, David says, have mercy upon me, o God, according to your lovingkindness, according to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge. We also have an example, Clive. In the New Testament, we think of Saul, the persecutor of christians who did a lot of damage to the early church. But he became converted. God converted his heart, and he became Paul the preacher. And he did. We read a lot about it in the New Testament. And heaven's going to be filled with souls that confessed their sin. Like David. They repented, they turned away and accepted the love, forgiveness, and the righteousness of God. SPEAKER A Yeah, I remember in one of my churches that I was there, the pastor. I've had contact with a man who had been an armed robber, and he was converted in jail. And he wrote to me, wow. And said, I'm looking for a spiritual home when I come out of prison. SPEAKER B Wow. SPEAKER A And so we had a lot of exchanges. Yeah. God can change to the uttermost, can't he? SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER A There's no doubt about that. SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER A Let's turn our attention now to the end of God's mission. And let's go to the revelation, chapter 21. And I'm going to read verses one and two. Revelation 21, verses one and two. Now, I saw a new heaven and a new earth. So here's John. He's got this vision being revealed to him. This new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. And I think in the Greek it implies it's not a brand new earth or heaven, but a renewed in that kind of new heaven and earth. And then I, John, Verse two, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride for her husband. Hana, how good will it be to actually see this all happening? To be with Jesus? How good will it. SPEAKER B Oh, it's amazing to just think. And our imagination is very limited. But one of the best thing is that there will be no more sin, no more consequence of sin. Let's read verse four, it says, and God will ripe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death, no sorrow, no crying. There shall be no more pain. For the former things have passed away. We know that there are so many things happening in the world. Death, sorrow, crying, pain. But it will be always on away. It'll be more, no more power. SPEAKER A Yeah. So, Jaiden, does John give us an idea of what paradise will be like? SPEAKER C Absolutely. I'd love to read it. Revelation 22, verse one to five. And he showed me a pure river of water, of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the lamb in the middle of its street. And on either side of the river was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse. But the throne of God. And the lamb shall be in it. And his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads. And there shall be no night there. They need no lamp nor light of the sun. For the Lord God gives them light and they shall reign forever and ever. SPEAKER A Yeah, that's a great promise, isn't it? And something we can really look forward to. Well, Hana and Jayden, it's been good to have you here with us today. My name is Clive Nash. And you know you may feel a call of God on your heart today to accept the good news of salvation. You want to be ready when Jesus returns to this earth. Why not decide right now to give your heart to Jesus Christ? Or perhaps you have a passion to share your faith. Pray that God will put a searching soul in your path. This week we are living in amazing times. Soon the gospel will have gone to every people group in the world and Jesus will come. Well, we're glad you joined us today on let God speak. Next week we begin a new series so we hope you will join us then. If you are blessed by this programme, tell your friends. Remember, all past programmes plus teachers notes are available on our website, au. Email us if you wish on [email protected] join us again next time. God bless. SPEAKER D You have been listening to Let God Speak, a production of Three ABN, Australia. Television. To catch up on past programs, please visit Call us in Australia on 024-973-3456 or email [email protected] We'd love to hear from you.

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