The life of Jacob the Patriarch, as recorded in Genesis, offers many spiritual insights for us today. Although Jacob needed to be taught some difficult character building lessons, God still counted him worthy. God used Jacob as a building block in the fulfilment of His covenant. Our Bible study today will dig into this encouraging promise.
Hosted by: Blair Lemke
Guests: Gayl Fong & Steven Groom
Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/
The psalmist lived in a time when evil, injustice, and oppression raged. This week’s lesson will discuss some of the underprivileged groups the Psalms...
Abram and his wife Sarai obeyed God’s call to travel south from Haran to Canaan. After a 700km journey they arrived in Canaan—at a...
There is a spiritual battle of cosmic proportions raging all around us. This great controversy between Christ and Satan—good and evil—is fought over each...