As we get older, we all begin to worry more about what the future holds for our life. We think about what things we should do, what things we should avoid, and what principles we should follow so our latter years are happy and comfortable ones. Today our lesson will discuss God’s counsel regarding how we should live out our last years. So have your Bibles ready as we look into the principles that God has given us to follow.
Hosted by: Blair Lemke
Guests: John Malkiewycz & Pearl Frahm
Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/
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We have the prophetic message more fully confirmed, in which you would do well in paying attention to it (2 Peter 1:19, NRSV). In...
The book of John portrays Jesus as the divine and eternal Son of God. He was God the Creator, veiled in humanity. Today we...