Our world is filled with busyness and stress. The burdens of life can feel too heavy to bear. Whether our burdens are extremely heavy, or relatively light, Jesus invites us to come to Him to find relief. Our Bible study today will reveal this.
Hosted by: Blair Lemke
Guests: Hana Nakagawa, Morgan Vincent
Download the study notes at this link: www.3abnaustralia.org.au/resources/do…s/lgs-notes/
The arrest, trial, and execution of Jesus was a shameful example of injustice upon an innocent person. Everyone involved knew He was innocent. As...
This week we will look at sin and it’s effect on mankind (Isaiah 57:7 and Isaiah 59). More importantly however, we will investigate the...
Usually, the first-born son of a King is born to be King. But imagine a king being born for the main purpose of dying!...