Abraham’s Seed - 210206

Episode 6 May 02, 2021 00:28:45
Abraham’s Seed - 210206
Let God Speak
Abraham’s Seed - 210206

May 02 2021 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

The covenant promises made to Abraham’s Seed follow the line of Israel, a lineage from which the long awaited Messiah came. Today we will look at the conditions outlined by the covenant and what happened when Israel failed to keep that covenant. We will also look at whether the covenant was restricted to any particular Country or group of people. And finally, what the take home message is for us, today, in the 21st Century.

Hosted by: Steven Groom
Guests: Rod Butler, Gayl Fong

Download the study notes at this link: https://www.3abnaustralia.org.au/resources/downloads/lgs-notes/

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