Latest Episodes
The War Behind All Wars - 240201
Searching people have many questions: how can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Or, why do bad things happen to...
Wait on the Lord - 240113
A lot of our time is spent waiting. Doctors have waiting rooms; we wait to board an aircraft; and children wait for their next...
Worship That Never Ends - 240112
Worship seems to come naturally to human beings. Whether wooden statues or riches, everyone worships something. Which begs the question: what are the ingredients...
Longing for God in Zion - 240111
Some Psalms declare a desire to visit and dwell securely in Zion. Of the 150 Psalms, 20 specifically mention Zion. Is Zion a place,...
Lessons of the Past - 240110
For countless years people have said variations of: “If you do not learn from the past you will be condemned or doomed to repeat...
Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord - 240109
Today’s lesson continues to journey through the song book of the Bible, the Psalms. In songs written long before Jesus Christ came to this...