Turn Their Hearts - 210409

Episode 9 November 21, 2021 00:28:45
Turn Their Hearts - 210409
Let God Speak
Turn Their Hearts - 210409

Nov 21 2021 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

New–born babies are just so adorable! All of their gestures and gurgling sounds are so incredibly cute. And when they look up at you, smile, and reach out their little hands to you, you can’t stop your heart from melting. Looking at them can, however, cause us to stop and think; "Could these lovely little bundles of joy really start off life as sinners? Was Adam and Eve’s original sin really passed on down to them through their parents?”

Hosted by: Dr Sven Östring
Guests: Rosemary Malkiewycz & Pr Mike Browning

Download the study notes at this link: https://www.3abnaustralia.org.au/resources/downloads/lgs-notes/

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