The book of Ephesians redirects our focus from the allurements of this world, toward personally experiencing God’s amazing power through the Holy Spirit. We begin to grasp, and experience, the vast scope of God’s power when we study the ongoing ministry of the risen, exalted Jesus. Join us for today’s study as we discuss this powerful topic.
Hosted by: Rosemary Malkiewycz
Guests: Rod Butler & Pr Christopher Petersen
Download the study notes at this link:…s/lgs-notes/
The Bible is a special book. Although it contains 66 separate books, written by 40 authors over 1500 years, who were situated on three...
It seems to be a rule of life that service to others matters. Parents give up serving themselves to raise the next generation, plants...
This week we are looking at the climax of Hebrews 12. Historically we connect verses 18-29 with Exodus 19 (the assembling of Israel at...