There is a saying, “Like Father, like son,” which is generally true. There are, of course, exceptions. Take Hezekiah for example. It’s difficult to imagine a son more different than his father. The reign of his father, King Ahaz, was a moral, political and spiritual disaster. The Bible describes the Judean King as an evil king that followed the gods and wicked practices of the nations around him. Ahaz led the nation into apostasy, desecrated the Sanctuary, and set up pagan altars in Jerusalem. After 16 years as king he died, leaving his son Hezekiah to take the reigns. When Hezekiah took control of Judah he immediately got to work to make things right. Today we will focus on the actions of his son, King Hezekiah.
Hosted by: Rod Butler
Guests: Pr Clive Nash, Gayl Fong
Download the study notes at this link:
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